Diabetes Health Education


Diabetes is a complex disease and requires regular care. Our Diabetes Education Program at Family Health Centers, Inc., will help you get the information you need to better manage your disease to stay healthy and free from complications.

Benefits of Diabetes Education

  • People who have had diabetes educator have fewer hospitalizations.
  • For every 1% your A1c drops, you reduce the risk of damage to your kidneys, eyes and blood vessels by 23-37%.
  • You can reduce your risk of stroke and heart attack by 33-50% if you keep your blood pressure and blood sugars in good range.

Goal of Diabetes Education

The goal of diabetes education is to help you achieve and maintain good diabetes control by:

  1. Healthy eating
  2. Becoming more active
  3. Monitoring blood sugars
  4. Understanding how diabetes medications work and taking them as prescribed
  5. Identifying problems and learning cause and effect
  6. Reducing risk of complications
  7. Developing healthy ways to cope with stress

Are you diabetic?

Are you interested in the following FREE gifts?

  • Smart Phone w/paid service for one year
  • Glucometer (Bluetooth enabled)
  • BP monitor (Bluetooth enabled)
  • Pulse Ox (Bluetooth enabled)

To qualify: You must be established with a FHC provider and have a diagnosis of diabetes. Walk-in only patients do not qualify!