Media & Press Kit

Branding Guidelines

Our brand is the coming together of our history and our vision, it guides our direction, motivates our employees and informs those we serve as we strive to fulfill our mission.

The purpose of this guide is to introduce the fundamentals, logic and ideas behind everything that supports the Family Health Centers, Inc., brand. It outlines how our logos, colours and font selections, as well as our tagline and descriptor, come together to help articulate our role in the health care community and the value of the services we provide to those we serve.


Media Contact Information

If you have a question regarding Family Health Centers, Inc., website or social media contact: Associate Director of Community Relations/Webmaster - Joy C. Haynes |

If you have a question regarding Family Health Centers, Inc., press inquiries, advertisement, or branding please contact: Director of Community Development Marketing and Outreach - Carolyn Wigfall |