Military Veterans

Veterans Choice Program

FHC is now a part of The Veterans Choice Program, a law that expands the number of options Veterans have for receiving care to ensure that they have timely access to high quality medical treatment.

Veterans can make an appointment by calling 803-531-6900 at any FHC center.

Veterans Choice Program (VCP) provides primary care, inpatient and outpatient specialty care, and mental health care for eligible Veterans when the local VA medical center (VAMC) cannot provide the services due to:

Veterans Service

While more Americans have health insurance coverage than ever before, there is still a shortage of venues to obtain the primary and preventive-care services everyone needs. This has certainly been true for many of our nation's veterans who, as we salute them for their service every November, all too often are forced to wait weeks and months to get needed healthcare.

Now there is hope for change. Thanks to congressional action, veterans who have to travel more than 40 miles for care at a VA medical facility, or who are forced to wait longer than 30 days for an appointment, can receive care at Family Health Centers, Inc., Congress passed the Veterans Choice Act last year in response to highly publicized reports of veterans experiencing intolerable wait times for care. To address the problem and help the VA meet increased demand for services, Congress authorized the VA to contract with local providers—enabling veterans to choose their care outside of the Veterans Health Administration system. No solution is perfect, but connecting veterans with health centers makes sense for many reasons, not the least of which is that the centers have been in the business of delivering quality, affordable healthcare for half a century.

Close to 400,000 veterans—and more than 24 million Americans overall—now depend on community health centers like Family Health Centers, Inc., for primary and preventive care.

Call Family Health Centers Inc., today and get the treatment you deserve.